The pharmaceutical industry is a booming business worldwide, growing significantly from one year to the next. In the 10 years from 2007 to 2017, the number of people employed in the global pharmaceutical industry rose from 3.68 million to a whopping 5.5 million!
With such rapid international growth, it's no wonder the pharmaceutical business is such an attractive prospect to so many jobseekers. But with so many opportunities available all over the world, you may wonder: which country is best for pharmaceutical jobs?
Before we answer that question, we first need to determine what 'best' actually means here. There are many different criteria that could be considered when trying to determine which country is best for pharmaceutical jobs, but for the purposes of this blog post, we'll largely be looking at the gross revenue produced by each nation's pharmaceutical industry - and the number of jobs generated as a result.
The Top 5 Countries for Pharmaceutical Jobs
Of course, there are 195 countries in the world; we won’t be looking at all of them today! We’ll just be looking at 5 countries that are widely considered to be the 'best' countries in the world for pharmaceutical professionals looking to develop their careers.
1) United States
It is well known that the US boasts a booming pharmaceutical business. Unlike most developed nations, the USA does not have free universal healthcare; instead, most Americans rely on private insurance to cover the inflated costs of medications and treatments. Thanks in part to this system, the US pharmaceutical market was worth more than 530 billion dollars in 2020; in fact, the US pharmaceutical market accounts for 45 percent of the global market. It's definitely one of the international powerhouses of the pharmaceutical industry.
2) Germany
Germany is widely considered to be one of the fastest-growing markets for life sciences in Europe. Germany is a real hotspot for new technologies and innovations within the pharmaceutical industry, as they receive annual federal funds for such purposes; in fact, over 1,000 medical technology patents were granted there in 2020. In 2020, the country's market revenue for pharmaceutical products passed thirty billion euros, and that was just for prescription-only products! The current rate of growth is rapid compared with previous years, and it's not expected to slow any time soon.
3) India
While not necessary considered a traditional contender against big dogs like the US and Germany, India is actually the largest provider of generic drugs globally. On top of this, the domestic market is expected to triple over the next ten years, from $42 billion to $130 billion. India's rapid growth and development within the pharmaceutical industry is impressive, so this is definitely a country to keep your eye on!
4) Switzerland
The Swiss are known around the world for their contributions to the life science industry. Switzerland provides over 50,000 jobs from related industries, and while this might not be as many as other top countries, they have other strengths too. Switzerland is home to a number of innovative pharmaceutical firms, including Novartis, Roche, and Syngenta.
Another defining feature of the Swiss pharmaceutical industry is how it stands out for its internationality; 98% of its turnover is made abroad, making chemical-pharmaceutical products the most important exported goods in Switzerland.
5) United Kingdom
The UK is the home of many multinationals such as AstraZeneca. The pharmaceutical industry within the UK employs over 250,000 people and generates over $107 billion each year.
In many rankings, the UK has been affected by issues such as Brexit, which is projected to have adverse effects on the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. However, following the coronavirus pandemic, in 2021 the government announced a bold ten-year plan for the industry, resolving to deliver innovative, life-changing treatments to patients with conditions like cancer and dementia. This announcement has left people with feelings of hope and excitement for the future of the life sciences within the United Kingdom.
Do You Want to Work Abroad?
If you’re interested in working abroad, it’s worth finding out if your qualifications are internationally recognised, and if you have the right to work in your preferred country.
Interested in working in the UK? Check out this NHS guide to multi-national pharmacy work.
Looking for a New Career?
If you’re looking for a new career in the pharmaceutical industry, the first-class team here at Hyper Recruitment Solutions can help! Contact us today for more information on how we can help you achieve your dream career, or click the button below to browse pharmaceutical jobs available now!

Relocating to the US for your pharmaceutical career
If you'll be relocating to the US from another country, you may need a work visa.
The specific type of visa you need will depend on your country of origin, the company's needs and whether the employment is permanent or a temporary assignment. Your prospective employer will discuss this with you.
If you're looking for a career in the pharma industry, HRS can help! We work with top pharmaceutical employers on both sides of the Atlantic to find the right people for a range of different roles. Use the links below to browse the latest vacancies, or enquire now for more information.