Technology / IS&T Jobs

We all use Technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives. We can describe technology as processes, products or organisations. We use technology to extend our abilities, and that makes people an integral part of any technological system.

We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives, and the pharmaceutical and life sciences arena is no different. They have a long history of harnessing technology to change lives and improve human health.

IS&T Jobs

Some of the specialist skill sets which we support the recruitment for include:

IS&T Jobs FAQs

What does IS&T stand for?

IS&T is an abbreviation of Information Systems and Technology.

Why is technology important?

We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives – we use technology at work, and we use it to extract materials and information. We use it for communication, both professionally and socially, we use it for transportation, learning, scaling businesses and so, so much more.

The pharmaceutical and life sciences arena is no different and has a long history of harnessing technology to change lives and improve human health.

There have been many technology advances in recent years including: Cloud computing, Blockchain, AI/Machine Learning, Data storage, and Big data. All of these technologies have allowed companies to get closer to the patient and make more informed, accurate, and quicker decisions.

What skills do you need to work in IS&T?

There are many skills required to work in IS&T, many of them varying from role to role. A few of the key skills you’ll need across the board include; communication, time management, coding, and networking. You can read about this subject in further detail in our blog titled IS&T Sector: The Skills You Need.

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