It's no secret that science has a tremendous impact on the world and the ways in which we live our daily lives. The discoveries that scientists make concerning our universe, our planet and our bodies grant us a greater understanding about where we have come from and where we are heading.
From discovering new animal species to understanding how certain diseases are created and developing vaccines to protect us from them, scientists are continuously learning and enhancing our quality of life.
But what are the specific science jobs that help to change the world and the lives that we live? In this blog post, we're going to take a look at a handful of these life-changing careers, giving you a closer look at what these scientists do and how they help us.
Careers That Change People's Lives
Environmental Engineers
Environmental engineers help to change the world and people's lives in numerous ways. These individuals spend their careers working on ways to solve environmental issues; they achieve this by designing technologies and implementing processes to prevent and control a variety of environmental risks and / or repair environmental damage that has already been done.
Environmental engineers utilise their skills and expertise to provide a healthy environment for the people of the world by getting rid of waste products, providing clean drinking water, improving recycling and decreasing pollution.
Dietitians have a huge, direct impact on the lives of their patients as they assess, diagnose, and treat diet-related and nutritional issues. A dietitian may also spend some time raising awareness on the link between food and health at both the individual and the wider public level.
The role of a registered dietician is to translate the most up-to-date scientific discoveries and research about nutrition into practical advice that helps patients make better health-related decisions regarding both their food and lifestyle.
Medical Research Scientists
Medical research is another field that helps to change the world. Researchers conduct experiments to improve scientific understanding of topics that are related to medicine, an area that has a very direct impact on our day-to-day lives. Alongside this, they are also responsible for enhancing existing drugs, treatments and other medical products.
The research that medical scientists conduct is far-ranging, from investigating the underlying causes of diseases to investigating new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. These individuals help us to understand the debilitating conditions that many people live with every day, and more importantly, they look for new and more effective ways to treat the people who suffer from such conditions.
Epidemiologists study the patterns, causes and effects of diseases throughout a group of people. They focus on viruses and try to understand how they live, reproduce, and impact human life. Epidemiologists study outbreak patterns - for example, many experts in this field are currently focusing on COVID-19 and how it was able to form and spread throughout the world. They can then use their knowledge to create treatments and cures by developing vaccines that work to tackle viruses.
As a result of their work, epidemiologists are able to save the lives of countless people all around the world by discovering how we can protect ourselves from deadly diseases. Thanks to these individuals, we have now been able to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 that will hopefully allow us to return to some sort of normality in the near future.
These are just a handful of jobs that not only change the world but people's lives. There are countless roles and positions across the STEM fields that have both a direct and indirect impact on the world in which we live.
If you would like to help find the right people for these roles, you may be interested in a career at HRS. We are always on the lookout for passionate, driven individuals who can help us find talented scientists and match them to suitable positions. Does this sound like you? Then be sure to visit our careers page below, where you can start to make a real difference in the world by changing the lives of people who change lives!

Relocating to the US for your pharmaceutical career
If you'll be relocating to the US from another country, you may need a work visa.
The specific type of visa you need will depend on your country of origin, the company's needs and whether the employment is permanent or a temporary assignment. Your prospective employer will discuss this with you.
If you're looking for a career in the pharma industry, HRS can help! We work with top pharmaceutical employers on both sides of the Atlantic to find the right people for a range of different roles. Use the links below to browse the latest vacancies, or enquire now for more information.